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1 / 100

1 Which of the following have the smallest storage capacity ?

2 / 100

2- What type of devices are CDs or DVDs ?

3 / 100

3- Why has RAM been named like this ?

4 / 100

4- What is the full form of URL ?

5 / 100

5- What would you do to highlight a word? You position the cursor next to the word, and then

6 / 100

6- Which is the part of the computer system that one can physically touch ?

7 / 100

7- Reusable optical storage will typically have the acronym……

8 / 100

8- A ……… is an electronic device that process data, converting it into information.

9 / 100

9- ……… is processed by the computer into information.

10 / 100

10- File extensions are used in order to ……

11 / 100

11- The most common type of storage devices are …

12 / 100

12- There are ….. parts to a computer system.

13 / 100

13- During the ….. portion of the information Processing Cycle, the computer acquires data from some source.

14 / 100

14- The ……. tells the computer how to use its components.

15 / 100

15- An output device that lets you see what the computer in doing …….

16 / 100

16- All of the are examples of real security and privacy risks EXCEPT.

17 / 100

17- A process known as ……. is used by large retailers to study trends.

18 / 100

18- In slider master footer area appears at-

19 / 100

19- Following is a type of Slide animation

20 / 100

20The following is a slide transition effect

21 / 100

21-The built-in default copying in Excel is programmed to

22 / 100

22-A piece of hardware that is used to enter information into the computer by using keys

23 / 100

23-Date and Time are available on the desktop at

24 / 100

24-Printed Information, called, exists physically and is a more permanent form of output than that presented on a display device

25 / 100

25-What do you need to put your web pages on the www ?

26 / 100

26-Which was the first company to launch mobile phone services in India ?

27 / 100

27-The site that played a major role during the terrorist attack on Mumbai (26/11) in 2008 was

28 / 100

28-Which of the following is not related to information security on the Internet ?

29 / 100

29-Which is the largest unit of storage among the following ?

30 / 100

30-Which number system is usually followed in a typical 32 bit computer ?

31 / 100

31- Which one of the following is an example of Operating System ?

32 / 100

32-A computer cannot “boot” if it does not have the

33 / 100

33-Bit in short for

34 / 100

34-Powerful key that lets you exit a program when pushed

35 / 100

35-A command that takes what has been typed into the computer and can be seen on the screen and sends it to the printer for output on paper

36 / 100

36-Which of the following a search engine continuously sends out that start on a homepage of a server and pursue all links stepwise ?

37 / 100

37-The Internet used

38 / 100

38-The ascending order of a data hierarchy is

39 / 100

39-Software instructions intended to satisfy a user specific processing needs are called

40 / 100

40-“In computer terminology, information means”

41 / 100

41-Which of the following is a part of the central Processing Unit ?

42 / 100

42-What is meant by computer literacy ?

43 / 100

43-The software application that is used the most often is ………….

44 / 100

44-The first page that you normally view at a Web site is its

45 / 100

45-What is the function of the justification buttons on the toolbar ?

46 / 100

46-The binary number system has a base-

47 / 100

47-The arithmetic / logic unit performs the following actions

48 / 100

48-CPU reads the information from secondary memory

49 / 100

49- Internet is governed by

50 / 100

50-Excel has a number of features that make it a very powerful spreadsheet program. What features below is NOT a major advantage to using EXCEL ?

51 / 100

51 In which menu spelling command appears

52 / 100

52  A right click on the Windows desktop itself will _____.

53 / 100

53 "When numbers are typed inside a cell, the default alignment is:"

54 / 100

54 Cell address A$4 in a formula means it is a

55 / 100

55 When you create a chart on a separate sheet in the same workbook it is called a

56 / 100

56-The term DNS stands for

57 / 100

57-Errors in computer programmes are called

58 / 100

58-HTML is basically used to design

59 / 100

59-The process of laying out a document with text, graphics, headlines and photographs is involved in

60 / 100

60- Transfer of data from one application to another line is known as

61 / 100

61-A …………….. is approximately a million bytes.

62 / 100

62- ……………… is any part of the computer that you can physically touch.

63 / 100

63-The components that process data are located in the

64 / 100

64-All of the following are example of input device EXCEPT a

65 / 100

65-Which of the following is an example of an input device ?

66 / 100

66-All of the following are examples of storage devices EXCEPT

67 / 100

67-The ……………, also called the “brains” of the computer, is responsible for processing data.

68 / 100

68-The CPU and memory are located on the

69 / 100

69-Word processing spreadsheet , and photo editing are example of

70 / 100

70-……………… is a set of computer programs used on a computer to help perform tasks.

71 / 100

71-System software is the set of programs that enables your computer’s hardware devices and ……………… software to work together.

72 / 100

72-The PC (Personal Computer) and the Apple Macintosh are examples of two different

73 / 100

73-Apple Macintoshes (Macs) and PCs use different ……………….. to process data and different operating systems.

74 / 100

74-A plotter is

75 / 100

75-A …………….. is a collection of buttons which represent various operations that can be carried out within an application.

76 / 100

76-Supercomputers are primarily useful for

77 / 100

77-What is the first step in MS-word in changing line spacing ?

78 / 100

78-“A mouse, trackball and joystick are examples of …………………”

79 / 100

79-The save As… dialog box can be used

80 / 100

80-The contents of the clipboard remain the same until

81 / 100

81-In which menu spelling command appears ?

82 / 100

82-“When numbers are typed inside a cell, the default alignment is-”

83 / 100

83- Page break command of Excel on the insert menu will result in insertion of page break

84 / 100

84-To print a specific area in Excel

85 / 100

85-Pressing ………………. is a quick way to cycle between open program windows.

86 / 100

86-The Auto Content wizard creates …………………

87 / 100

87- “In Excel, shortcut file menu contains”

88 / 100

88-To “maximize” a window means to ……………………..

89 / 100

89-The “home page” of a web site is ……………………

90 / 100

90-A personal computer is

91 / 100

91-Saving is the process of ………………………

92 / 100

92-To find a saved document in the computer’s memory and bring it up on the screen to view

93 / 100

93-The internet is a system of ……………………….

94 / 100

94-Octal number system has a base ……………………………

95 / 100

95-Twitter is generally used for

96 / 100

96-Which type of memory holds the program to start up the computer ?

97 / 100

97-A program for viewing web pages is called …………………………

98 / 100

98-The term used to describe the intangible instructions that tell the computer what to do is

99 / 100

99-CD ROM stands for

100 / 100

100-TCP/IP is necessary if one is to connect to the

Your score is

The average score is 66%



NIELIT CCC Mock Test -2

1 / 100

1- GIGO stands for ……………………

2 / 100

2- When a computer prints a report, this output is called …………………

3 / 100

3- CPU reads the information from secondary memory

4 / 100

4- Which of the following is not an option to edit menu in PowerPoint ?

5 / 100

 5- Which of the following statement is true ?

6 / 100

6- Internet explorer is a type of

7 / 100

7- The file extension of MS-Word document in office 2007 is ………………

8 / 100

8- ……………………… is a protocol used by e-mail clients to download e-mails to your computer.

9 / 100

 9- ………………….. is a 32-bit number, normally expressed as four octets between the periods.

10 / 100

10- A compact disc provides ………………………. type of data access.

11 / 100

11- Query language comes under-

12 / 100

12- …………………. is a type of processor architecture that utilize a small, highly optimised set of instructions. 

13 / 100

13- ALU works on the instructions and data held in the-

14 / 100

14- The ……………….. is the administrative section of the computer system.

15 / 100

15- ………………………. in cyber crimes.

16 / 100

16- Which of the following is not an operating system ?

17 / 100

17- Servers are computer that provide resources to other computers connected to a

18 / 100

18- Smaller and less expensive PC-based servers are replacing …………………… in many businesses.

19 / 100

19- ……………… are specially designed computers that perform complex calculations extremely rapidly.

20 / 100

20- DSL is an example of a(n) …………………………. connection.

21 / 100

21- The difference between people with access to computers and the Internet and those without this access is known as the

22 / 100

22- …………………… is the science revolving around the use of nanostructures to build devices on an extremely small scale.

23 / 100

23- You can create a template in Word

24 / 100

24- A laser printer uses

25 / 100

25- Tape storage is primarily used for ………………………

26 / 100

26- GUI is used as an interface between

27 / 100

27- A word processor is

28 / 100

28- E-mail is

29 / 100

29- Using Microsoft Word’s find and replace feature you can

30 / 100

30- When you activate the Spelling and Grammar checker

31 / 100

 31- You will probably use Borders in Word where

32 / 100

32- A network that links across metropolitan, regional and national boundaries is called

33 / 100

33- Which type of memory gets lost when you switch off ?

34 / 100

34- What is the name of the program that controls the computer ?

35 / 100

35- What is the storage capacity of a CD ROM ?

36 / 100

36- What is the storage capacity of a DVD ?

37 / 100

37- CPU stands for

38 / 100

38- The ………………….. of a system includes the programs or instructions.

39 / 100

39- Text in a column is generally aligned ……………

40 / 100

40- Back up of the data files will help to prevent ………………

41 / 100

41- What does Ctrl + = key effect ?

42 / 100

42- What happens if you mark on Hidden check box of Font dialog box after you select some text ?

43 / 100

43- How can you increase the font size of selected text by one point every time ?

44 / 100

44- How can you break the current column and start a new column immediately ?

45 / 100

45- What is the smallest width of a column ?

46 / 100

46- How much space in minimum must be provided between columns ?

47 / 100

47- To move the cursor page to page of document

48 / 100

48- What are the three options available in Insert>>Picture menu ?

49 / 100

49- You need to jump to the next column breaking current column right at the cursor position. How can you break column ?  

50 / 100

50- Page Down key means

51 / 100

51- The background of any Word document …………………..

52 / 100

52- The benefits of using computers is that ……………………..

53 / 100

53- Statistical calculations and preparation of tables and graphs can be done using

54 / 100

 54- Nod 32, Norton and Panda are

55 / 100

55- Identify a web browser from the following

56 / 100

56- www, in a computer parlance, stands for

57 / 100

57- One KiloByte (KB) is equal to

58 / 100

58- One MegaByte (MB) is equal to

59 / 100

59- One GigaByte (GB) is equal to

60 / 100

60- 8 bits forms a

61 / 100

61- Microcomputer hardware consists of three basic categories of physical equipment

62 / 100

62- Periodically adding, changing and deleting file records is called file ………………………

63 / 100

63- A parallel port is most often used by

64 / 100

64- Bluetooth technology allows

65 / 100

65- Which of the following is an example of an optical disk ?

66 / 100

66- Which of the following is (are) an example of storage devices ?

67 / 100

67- IC chips used in computers are made of

68 / 100

68- Which of the following is not an example of Operating System ?

69 / 100

69- Which supercomputer is developed by the Indian Scientists ?

70 / 100

70- “OS” in computer system means

71 / 100

71- “MOV” extension refers to

72 / 100

72- “MPG” extension refers to

73 / 100

73- In Word Drop caps applied to …………………….

74 / 100

74- What is the term used for the word processing programs that show you directly on the PC screen the appearance of your final document as you might expect when the document is printed on the paper ?

75 / 100

75- Using borders in Excel you

76 / 100

76- A word file can be save as a web page which is a document that consist of one or more parts

77 / 100

77- The length of a file’s name under Win95/98/XP …………………………

78 / 100

78- After a table has been created, which of the following operations cannot be performed ?

79 / 100

 79- The Magnifier button is available on the

80 / 100

80- In the print dialog box of word, you can select

81 / 100

81- In word, print preview command is found under which menu

82 / 100

82- You can use other existing data sources with your master documents

83 / 100

83- Status bar shows different types of keys

84 / 100

84- In its default setting, a workbook is made up of sheets and the number can be extended to

85 / 100

85- You will probably use Borders in Word where

86 / 100

86- The formatting toolbar option are applied

87 / 100

87- A page break is used to do what ?

88 / 100

88- In which Word menu, Letter wizard command appears ?

89 / 100

89- In Word, split cells command appears in ……………………. menu.

90 / 100

90- In Excel, the intersection of a row and column is called

91 / 100

91- Home key stands for

92 / 100

92- To insert slide numbers

93 / 100

93- In a PowerPoint presentation

94 / 100

94- What happens if you press Ctrl+Shift+F8 ?

95 / 100

95- What is the shortcut key you can press to create a copyright symbol ?

96 / 100

96- From which menu you can access Picture, Text Box, Chart etc. ?

97 / 100

97- What keys do you use to move the cursor around your text ?

98 / 100

98- What keys do you use the select or highlight part of the text ?

99 / 100

99- What keys do you use to make the text bold ? 

100 / 100

100- What keys do you use to copy something ?

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The average score is 74%



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