Test 6 O Level M2
1 / 100
Which HTML tag is used to define a section in a document?
2 / 100
What does CSS stand for?
3 / 100
How can you add a comment in CSS?
4 / 100
What is the purpose of the <title> tag in HTML?
5 / 100
How do you select an element with the id "header" in CSS?
6 / 100
Which property is used to change the font of an element?
7 / 100
Which HTML attribute is used to specify the target of a hyperlink?
8 / 100
How do you create a nested list in HTML?
9 / 100
What is the correct CSS syntax to change the color of a paragraph to red?
10 / 100
What is the correct CSS syntax to set the background color of an element to blue?
11 / 100
How do you create a CSS class?
12 / 100
How do you create a button in HTML?
13 / 100
How do you create a comment in HTML?
14 / 100
How do you create a CSS gradient?
15 / 100
How do you create a CSS shadow?
16 / 100
What is the purpose of the z-index property in CSS?
17 / 100
How do you create a CSS float?
18 / 100
How do you create a hyperlink to an external website?
19 / 100
How do you create a text input field in HTML?
20 / 100
What is the purpose of the @media query in CSS?
21 / 100
How do you create a list of items in HTML?
22 / 100
Which is not a valid Background property of CSS ?
23 / 100
What is not true about W3.CSS ?
24 / 100
Identify the invalid HTML event.
25 / 100
W3.CSS does not provides the followingborder class :
26 / 100
Identify the valid new <input> tag elementin HTML 5 ?
27 / 100
Which comparison operator is used to findequality of type as well as content betweentwo variables ?
28 / 100
What is not a valid statement for AngularJS ?
29 / 100
Which converter is present in Notepad++ ?
30 / 100
File protocol is used for ________.
31 / 100
Identify the features of photo-editingsoftware.
32 / 100
Exponential operator in JavaScript is
33 / 100
SGML stands for :
34 / 100
What is not true about the <label> tag ofHTML ?
35 / 100
Which is not an encryption algorithm notpresent in Notepad++ ?
36 / 100
Are the negative values allowed in paddingproperty ?
37 / 100
Identify the basic lists in W3.css
38 / 100
How are tones created in Images ?
39 / 100
What is true about Conflicting Styles ?
40 / 100
Which is true about <iframe> tag ?
41 / 100
________ binds the value of HTML controlsto application data.
42 / 100
An element can be accessed in JavaScriptusing :
43 / 100
Identify the default font used in W3.Font
44 / 100
Directive to initialize Angular JS application :
45 / 100
Browsers will usually underline inserted textin the tag __________.
46 / 100
<del> element defines text that has beendeleted from a document. Browser displaythem as :
47 / 100
w3-container class adds a padding to anyHTML element :
48 / 100
Shortcut keys for rotating canvas 90 Degreeclockwise is _________.
49 / 100
Autofocus attribute can be used on whichelement ?
50 / 100
Which is not a vibrant color ?
51 / 100
How to specify individual items in an orderedlist ?
52 / 100
Service which helps an organization to hosta website on the Web Server :
53 / 100
Identify which is not the correct Image Classin W3.Image.
54 / 100
Identify the correct statement for AbsolutePositioning in CSS ?
55 / 100
What is the role of JavaScript in web design ?
56 / 100
__________ are used to identify user input,user action and browser actions
57 / 100
What is true about the Box model of CSS ?
58 / 100
Identify the incorrect media type defined inCSS 2.
59 / 100
w3-color and w3-text-color classes can beused to color :
60 / 100
What is not true about External Style sheet ?
61 / 100
CSS's position property default value is __________.
62 / 100
Ctrl + ⇧ + F is the shortcut key for __________ in sublime text editor.
63 / 100
Which CSS property should one use to encircle an image with text?
64 / 100
Which of the following properties of an anchor element indicates that the user is currentlyclicking on an element ?
65 / 100
Which of the following is a correct CSS Syntax ?
66 / 100
Who invented www (World Wide Web) ?
67 / 100
Which of the following is used for creating and manipulating photoshop images ?
68 / 100
Which shortcut key is used to duplicate the current line in Notepad++ ?
69 / 100
In the given img tag, what "img.png" inside the double quote implies ?
70 / 100
Which is the correct syntax for Angular Module ?
71 / 100
Which of the following is video format in HTML5 ?
72 / 100
Which of the following options can be used to remove parts of an image ?
73 / 100
__________ are computers that connect to a network and deliver resources to othercomputers.
74 / 100
Which of the following is true about AngularJS expressions ?
75 / 100
For generalized color correction, which command adjusts the overall combination of colors inan image ?
76 / 100
Which of the following properties is used to set the face of a font ?
77 / 100
What is a Model in MVC ?
78 / 100
Marquee tag is used for __________.
79 / 100
HTML Tags are enclosed in __________.
80 / 100
How can one change the font of an element ?
81 / 100
For what purpose is the CSS padding property used ?
82 / 100
Which of the following is not possible to animate using CSS?
83 / 100
What is the file extension for a Photoshop file ?
84 / 100
Which tool is used to write your name on an image ?
85 / 100
HTML metadata is present in which of the following tags ?
86 / 100
What is the output of the following JavaScript code ?<script>var a;document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = a+1;</script>
87 / 100
Which one of the following is not considered as an error :
88 / 100
Which of the following defines the set of rules that are followed by each computer present ona network ?
89 / 100
Which of the following file types does not have the ability to be animated ?
90 / 100
Which of the following directives allows one to use form ?
91 / 100
Which of the following is/are the purpose of markup language ?I. Add hypertext capabilitiesII. Enhance the documentIII. To define elements within a document.
92 / 100
How to insert multiple line comments in a CSS file ?
93 / 100
Which CSS property helps one to decide whether the text should be clipped, show somedots (ellipsis), or display a custom string ?
94 / 100
HTTP stands for __________.
95 / 100
By using CSS style or code, how can one remove the underline from all hyperlinks ?
96 / 100
Which selector selects elements based on a certain state ?
97 / 100
From the below mentioned CSS properties, which of the following is used to make the textbold?
98 / 100
What will be the output of the following JavaScript code ?<p id="demo"></p><script>var js = 10;js *= 5;document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = js;</script>
99 / 100
What will happen in the following case ?h1 {color: red text-decoration: underline; font-style: italic;}
100 / 100
Which of the following is true for pseudo class in CSS ?
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Test 5 O Level M2
Which attribute is used for body background color ?
Color enhancement refers to ___________.
What is the difference between id and class attributes in HTML?
Which is not a main built-in searchmechanisms ?
What is not correct about the Style class ?
An online information retrieval tool that usesthe data of a web search engine to produceits own results :
For which of the following purpose(s) JavaScript is designed for ?
Identify the incorrect statement about aPseudoClass in CSS.
Which is not a valid Background property ofCSS ?
How to read and render an HTML page ?
Identify the invalid statement about AngularJS Expressions.
What is not true about the tag of HTML ?
The most importantelement of a webpage is a container for :
A set of navigation links is defined using tag :
__________ is the HTML tag used for superscript text.
What is a module in AngularJS ?
To cluster a group of elements together toapply formatting __________.
Which of the following is the CSS Extension Prefixes for Webkit ?
Image __________ is changing the appearance of an image by altering the colors of thepixels.
The internet originated from the concept of __________.
Which CSS property specifies how a video, or an image is resized to fit its content box ?
What is the proper html syntax for referencing an external style sheet ?
Identify the non-semantic elements in HTMLtags.
Which of the following tag is used for inserting the largest heading in HTML ?
Identify the invalid image filter.
Which of the following is not a text editor ?
Which of the following is correct ?
Which of the following is used to create an ordered list in HTML?
Which Filter is based on the idea ofphotographers adding colored filters to thecamera lens to tint the photo ?
Which of the following can be used as a prefixfor Directives ?
When working with a Mask Layer, for an erasing effect, what tool is used to "take away" and"add" to the picture ?
The “color:black” in CSS syntax is known as __________.
Which statement is not true about responsivetables in W3.Table ?
What is the difference between display: none and visibility: hidden?
Which of the following directives is used tostart an angular JS application ?
Which of the following is not a mouse event ?
Which is not true about CSS ?
Which of the following is true ?
In the following transition, what does .4s describe ?transition: color .4s linear;
Which of the following is required for joining the internet ?
What is not true about ng-repeat directive inAngular JS ?
Shortcut keys to activate Gaussian Blur :
How many columns are supported in theresponsive grid ?
_________ is a generic inline element thatapplies no inherent formatting
Ctrl + ⇧ + P is the shortcut key to open __________ in sublime text editor.
What type of value gets printed if we add the following two variables ?var a = "10";var b = 50;
W3.Table does not provide the following classfor tables.
A color system's range of colors that it can display or print is __________.
The average score is 65%
Test 4 O Level M2
Which is not a valid list type in W3.List ?
Exponential operator in JavaScript is :
Which tag is used to render and representsan independent piece of content of adocument ?
__________ tag embeds CSS in a webpage.
MIME stands for _________.
Which of the following is not a type of Screenframes in HTML ?
Quick Selection tool is used for the purposeof :
The body of the style sheet includes__________.
Which statement is not true for the headingsin W3.Font ?
Identify the basic lists in W3.css.
Identify the browser which can renderHTML 5 tags.
A set of navigation links is defined usingtag :
Which keyword is a must to use whenJavaScript code is to run in older browser ?
An index page is __________.
__________ is used to specify a new conditionto test if the first condition is false.
Hypertext is a :
Which class property makes an imagetransparent ?
Which statements are correct regardingw3-panel ?
Which is not a valid encoding standard notpresent in Notepad++ ?
Rectangular Marquee tool is used for thepurpose of :
Which is not a valid CSS type ?
What protocol is used by all computerconnections to the Internet ?
What does the .edu domain represents ?
What is not correct about Embedded StyleSheets ?What is not correct about Embedded StyleSheets ?
JavaScript can change :
Lasso tool is best used for :
Which statement is used to come out switchblock ?
Which is not a valid text alignment class inW3.Text ?
The __________ property allows to indent thefirst line of text in an element.
Which is not a valid meta search engine ?
Which operator is used to get datatype of avariable in JavaScript ?
Which CSS specification was first declaredto become an official W3C Recommendation ?
__________ are used to identify user input,user action and browser actions.
Which JavaScript statement is used toperform different actions based on differentconditions ?
Identify where a <section> element can beused.
What is the task of DNS Name server ?
Identify benefits that are provided by PhotoEditing for Business.
_________ is a generic inline element thatapplies no inherent formatting.
_________ makes the text bold
The __________ pseudoclass is activatedwhen the user moves the mouse cursor overthe specified element.
Identify the invalid <input> tag “type”attribute value.
Identify the wrong statements about“Cookies” ?
Variables in JavaScript cannot be declaredusing :
HTTP PUT request method is used to :
Shortcut keys to hide lines in Notepad++ :
The average score is 57%
Test 3 O Level M2
Which CSS specification was first declared tobecome an official W3C Recommendation ?
_________ makes the text bold.
Identify the default font used in W3.Font.
Which statement is not true for the headings in W3.Font ?
What is not correct about Embedded StyleSheets ?
The average score is 43%
Test 2 O Level M2
Which statement specify correct difference between var and let keywords in JavaScript ?
Which is the correct syntax to call an external JavaScript file in the current HTML document ?
If params is a DOM object for a paragraph, which of the following is a correct syntax tochange the text in the paragraph ?
Which of the following statements is/are correct ?
File transfer from any webpage to computer system is referred to as __________.
Which feature of photoshop track recent changes made to an image ?
Consider the below div tag content statement, how to print the value of "UserName"?<div ng-app="" ng-init="firstName='John'"><p>Input something in the input box:</p><p>Name: <input type="text" ng-model="UserName"></p><p>You wrote: __________ </p></div>
Which of the following statements define Arrays in JavaScript ?
Which of the following attributes defines the URL of the page to embed when the <iframe>tag is used ?
Which of the following is/are a <style> tag(s) ?
How to close all files open in Notepad++?
Which of the following is not a browser ?
What is the keyboard shortcut for increasing a document's zoom level ?
How will you make all paragraph elements 'GREY' in color ?
W3.CSS does not provides the following border class.
Which of the following is the correct option for the requirement of web publishing ?
Which of the following ways are valid to specify white color using CSS ?I. #FFFFFFII. rgb (255, 255, 255)III. rgb (FF, FF, FF)
Which program is used by web clients to view the web pages ?
W3.CSS is a standard CSS that has :
CSS syntax is divided into __________ parts.
__________ is a declaration for an HTML5 document.
In CSS, selectors are __________ used to select the elements you want to style.
Which of the following options is incorrect with reference to status codes ?
What is the standard resolution of images on the web ?
Which of the following code is most efficient ?Code 1;for(var number=10;number>=1;number--){document.writeln(number);}
Code 2 ;var number=10;while(number>=1){document.writeln(number);number++;}
AngularJS is a __________.
Which CSS selector will be used to define a single element's style ?
Which of the following is an example of a search engine on the internet ?
Which CSS Property specifies the clarity of the image ?
Which of the following is used to apply a specific rule and can never be overridden in CSS ?
To control image repetition in CSS , the correct option is :
Which of the following expressions is true ?
Which of the following statement(s) is/are true ?I. The web designer shouldn‟t just be concerned about the looks but also about userinterfaceII. Usability is very important in web design
Which of the following markup languages are based on SGML ?
Which CSS attribute(s) should one use to create a pink dotted border around an image?I. border-lineII. border-styleIII. border-color
The correct syntax to write “Sky is blue” in JavaScript is :
The average score is 77%
Test 1 O Level M2
Which attribute specifies an alternate text for an image, if the image cannot be displayed?
Which attribute is used to specify the destination of a link?
Which HTML attribute is used to specify the target of a link?
Which CSS property is used to set the background color of an element?
What is the correct HTML tag to define a paragraph?
What is the correct HTML tag to create a horizontal line?
What is the purpose of the position property in CSS?
What is the difference between margin and padding in CSS?
Which property is used to change the text color in CSS?
How do you select an element with an id "header" in CSS?
The average score is 22%
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