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1 / 100

1.Which of the following is generally used for performing tasks like creating the structure of the relations, deleting relation?

2 / 100

2.Which of the following provides the ability to query information from the database and insert tuples into, delete tuples from, and modify tuples in the database?

3 / 100

3.The given Query can also be replaced with :

SELECT name, course id FROM instructor, teaches

WHERE instructor ID= teaches ID;

4 / 100

4.Which one of the following given statements possibly contains the error?

5 / 100

5.Ready the Query carefully:

SELECT emp_name FROM department

WHERE dept_name LIKE '           Computer Science';

In the above-given Query, which of the following can be placed in the Query's blank portion to select the "dept_name" that also contains Computer Science as its ending string?

6 / 100

6.What do you mean by one to many relationships?


7 / 100

7.In the following Query, which of the following can be placed in the Query's blank portion to display the salary from highest to lowest amount, and sorting the employs name alphabetically?


FROM instructor

ORDER BY salary         , name       ;

8 / 100

8.The given Query can be replaced with :

SELECT name FROM instructor1

WHERE salary <= 100000 AND salary >= 90000;

9 / 100

9.A Database Management System is a type of __________Software


10 / 100

10.The term "FAT" is stands for


11 / 100

11.Which of the following can be considered as the maximum size that is supported by FAT?


12 / 100

12. Ctrl, Shift and Alt are called …. keys.


13 / 100

13.Which of the following can be considered as the maximum size that is supported by NTFS?

14 / 100

14.A huge collection of the information or data accumulated form several different sources is known as :


15 / 100

15.Which of the following can be used to extract or filter the data & information from the data warehouse?


16 / 100

16.Which one of the following refers to the copies of the same data (or information) occupying the memory space at multiple places.


17 / 100

17.Which one of the following refers to the "data about data"?


18 / 100

18.Which of the following refers to the level of data abstraction that describes exactly how the data actually stored?

19 / 100

19.To which of the following the term "DBA" referred?


20 / 100

20.In general, a file is basically a collection of all related .


21 / 100

21.The term "Data" refers to:

22 / 100

22.Rows of a relation are known as the .

23 / 100

23.Which of the following refers to the number of tuples in a relation?


24 / 100

24.Which one of the following is a type of Data Manipulation Command?


25 / 100

25.Which of the following command is a type of Data Definition language command?


26 / 100

26.Which of the following is a top-down approach in which the entity's higher level can be divided into two lower sub-entities

27 / 100

27.In which one of the following, the multiple lower entities are grouped (or combined) together to form a single higher-level entity?


28 / 100

28.In a relation database, every tuples divided into the fields are known as the _______.


29 / 100

29.The term "TCL" stands for                 .


30 / 100

30.In the relational table, which of the following can also be represented by the term "attribute"?

31 / 100

31.Which of the following refers to the number of attributes in a relation?


32 / 100

32.Which of the following is used in the application programs to request data from the database management system?

33 / 100

33.Which one of the following command is used to delete the existing row in a table?


34 / 100

34.Which of the following commands is used to save any transaction permanently into the database?


35 / 100

35.Which one of the following commands is used for removing (or deleting) a relation forms the SQL database?

36 / 100

36.Which one of the following commands is used to restore the database to the last committed state?

37 / 100

37.The database management system can be considered as the collection of                       that enables us to create and maintain the database.

38 / 100

38.The term "DFD" stands for?

39 / 100

39.Which of the following refers collection of the information stored in a database at a specific time?

40 / 100

40.The term "SQL" stands for

41 / 100

41.The term "Data independence" refers to __________

42 / 100

42.What is the relation calculus?

43 / 100

43.Which one of the following refers to the total view of the database content?


44 / 100

44.For what purpose the DML is provided?

45 / 100

45.The term "ODBC" stands for__________


46 / 100

46.In the relation model, the relation are generally termed as                        


47 / 100

47.The Database Management Query language is generally designed for the __________


48 / 100

48.Which of the following keys is generally used to represents the relationships between the tables?

49 / 100

49.Which of the following levels is considered as the level closed to the end-users?


50 / 100

50.A computer security protocol for logging-in can be considered as the example of the

            component of an information system.

51 / 100

51.Which one of the following keyword is used to find out the number of values in a column?

52 / 100

52.Which one of the following is commonly used to define the overall design of the database?

53 / 100

53.Which one of the following commands is used to modify a column inside a table?

54 / 100

54. A hacker that changes or forges information in an electronic resource, is engaging in.

55 / 100

55.PROM in computer language stands for

56 / 100

56.You can check Spelling and grammatical mistakes by the________ option?

57 / 100

57.What is a Firewall in Computer Network?

58 / 100

58............ is used to create a set of document ,such as forms, letters,or labels.

59 / 100

59.The IC chip used in computer is made of

60 / 100

60.1 MB is equal to            


61 / 100

61.In which of the following, a person is constantly followed/chased by another person or group of several peoples?

62 / 100

62.Which of the following usually observe each activity on the internet of the victim, gather all information in the background, and send it to someone else?

63 / 100

63.________is a type of software designed to help the user's computer detect viruses and avoid them.

64 / 100

64.It can be a software program or a hardware device that filters all data packets coming through the internet, a network, etc. it is known as the :

65 / 100

65.Which of the following refers to stealing one's idea or invention of others and use it for their own benefits?

66 / 100

66.Read the following statement carefully and find out whether it is correct about the hacking or not?

67 / 100

67.Which of the following refers to exploring the appropriate, ethical behaviors related to the online environment and digital media platform?

68 / 100

68.Which of the following refers to the violation of the principle if a computer is no more accessible?

69 / 100

69.Which one of the following refers to the technique used for verifying the integrity of the message?

70 / 100

70.In ethical hacking and cyber security, there are                           types of scanning: AD

71 / 100

71.To protect the computer system against the hacker and different kind of viruses, one must always keep on in the computer system.

72 / 100

72.Which of the following are famous and common cyber-attacks used by hackers to infiltrate the user's system?

73 / 100

73.The term "TCP/IP" stands for____________


74 / 100

74.The response time and transit time is used to measure the                 of a Network

75 / 100

75.Which of the following factor of the network gets hugely impacted when the number of users exceeds the network's limit

76 / 100

76.In the computer networks, the encryption techniques are primarily used for improving the________

77 / 100

77.Which of the following statements is correct about the firewall?

78 / 100

78.Which one of the following principles of cyber security refers that the security mechanism must be as small and simple as possible?

79 / 100

79.Which of the following principle of cyber security restricts how privileges are initiated whenever any object or subject is created?

80 / 100

80.Suppose an employee demands the root access to a UNIX system, where you are the administrator; that right or access should not be given to the employee unless that


employee has work that requires certain rights, privileges. It can be considered as a perfect example of which principle of cyber security?

81 / 100

81.Which one of the following principles states that sometimes it is become more desirable to rescored the details of intrusion that to adopt more efficient measure to avoid it?

82 / 100

82.The web application like banking websites should ask its users to log-in again after some specific period of time, let say 30 min. It can be considered as an example of which cybersecurity principle?

83 / 100

83.Which one of the following statements is correct about Email security in the network security methods?

84 / 100

84.Which of the following statements is true about the VPN in Network security?

85 / 100

85.Which of the following type of text is transformed with the help of a cipher algorithm?

86 / 100

86.Which of the following are the types of scanning?

87 / 100

87.Which type of the following malware does not replicate or clone them self's through infection?

88 / 100

88.Which of the following malware's type allows the attacker to access the administrative controls and enables his/or her to do almost anything he wants to do with the infected computers.

89 / 100

89.Which of the following statements is true about the Trojans?

90 / 100

90.Which of the following is just opposite to the Open Design principle?

91 / 100

91.Which of the following is a type of independent malicious program that never required any host program?

92 / 100

92.Which of the following usually considered as the default port number of apache and several other web servers?

93 / 100

93.Which one of the following systems cannot be considered as an example of the operating systems?

94 / 100

94.In the CIA Triad, which one of the following is not involved?

95 / 100

95.In an any organization, company or firm the policies of information security come under___________

96 / 100

96.Why are the factors like Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability, and Authenticity considered as the fundamentals?

97 / 100

97.An order to ensure the security of the data/ information, we need to ________________ the data:

98 / 100

98.Which one of the following is considered as the most secure Linux operating system that also provides anonymity and the incognito option for securing the user's information?

99 / 100

99.Which type following UNIX account provides all types of privileges and rights which one can perform administrative functions?

100 / 100

100.Which of the following is considered as the first hacker's conference?

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